Speakers at the Johannesburg Flex-On-Road seminar include Anan Hiyasat (Uteco), Slawomir Staśkiewicz (Jurmet), Katarzyna Goździńska (Jurmet), Sarel Oosthuizen (Sareltech), Sante Conselvan (GAMA International) and Geert Penne (Praxair Surface Technologies).

The first Flex-On-Road took place in Johannesburg and Durban, with an amazing line-up of speakers sharing interesting topics in their specific fields. In this free one-day seminar, discussions in the most recent developments in the printing market took place to better understand the customer needs of today and tomorrow. South Africa was the fifth and sixth stop in Uteco’s annual seminars. Mr. Hiyasat explained that Uteco hosts these seminars in an effort to strengthen the relationships between partners and customers, as well as to narrow down on what the current industry needs are to provide a better solution in the future.

The success of the first Flex-on-Road in South-Africa confirmed the fact that there is a lot of interest in the printing industry, thus there is more room for growth and improvement in this field. Flex-On-Road will be returning to South-Africa later in 2023.
