100% Print Inspection

BST Group 100% Print Inspection & Defect Detection in South Africa from Sareltech inspects your web print runs easily, quickly and efficiently even at the fastest web speeds possible. Save costs and time, increase your productivity and reduce waste and customer complaints, in brief: perform the tasks expected by the market with with BST eltromat solutions. 100% Print systems are used on printing machine or inspection rewinders to inspect the web for defects.

Used on a printing machine the system detects defects  and through a warning light and audible alarm informs the press operator immediately so that the wastage can me minimised , corrected and flagged. When used on a inspection rewinder the system interfaced to slowdown and stop the detected area on the splicing table for action by the operator. Workflow options are also available to link the press , QC and inspection rewinder by using the 100% roll report created on the press while allowing a QC person to determine what defects are acceptable.

If you want to join the 100% Print Inspection club of South Africa please contact Sareltech to assist you with the best suited 100% Linescan Camera for your application as we have installed systems not only in Cape Town where we are based but also in Durban and Johannesburg / Gauteng.

BST Group 100% Systems


Cost effective Narrow web 100% Inspection System


Combination Tubescan & Matrix Corona System

IPQ Center Check

Highest Quality wide web 100% Inspection system

IPQ Center Modules

Other integrated solutions for IPC center
